Our eleven-and-a-half year old kitty, Spirit, is dying. He almost died
8 years ago, but we spent lots of money on the ER Vet, Vet and
homeopathic Vet. He has lost and gained weight when he gets either
sick or stressed, but this time he doesn't seem to be recovering. When
I met Hubby, Spirit was four months old. They fell in love with each
other and I lost my cat. Twelve years ago, I lost my dear sweet, Max.
When he got sick and required IV fluids, force feeding 4-6 times/day,
I resolved that I was not going to go through that again. I kept him
alive for me because I wasn't ready to let him go. I spent the next 18
months in twice weekly psychotherapy. It changed my life. I wouldn't
be the person I am today if I had not been through the caretaking,
trauma, grief and eventual healing. I am sad about what is going to
happen, Hubby is too. This really sucks!